Sunday School Winter 2025
January 5 – April 13
Adult Classes
Jeff Claassen / Rm. 10
This course is designed to teach us how to do theology through studying scripture as we seek a better understanding of who God is. Our goal is to work on equipping ourselves to clarify and articulate what we believe and why. Together we will study essential doctrines of the faith as revealed to us through God’s word. The course begins by defining our “tools” for study and then moving into the “process” of a systematic study.
Acts / Greg Barkman / Worship Center
This study focuses on the theological issues that naturally occur within the book of Acts and how the Church has handled them throughout history up until the present.
Reading the Bible Together (women) / Tiffany Claassen / Rm 9
We will read two chapters aloud together each week and then discuss what we read as a group. We are working our way through some of the first five books of the Bible.
Refresh (women) / Katy Wienecke / Rm. 7
We are reading A Chance to Die: The Life and Legacy of Amy Carmichael by Elisabeth Elliot. Follow the journey of a courageous Irishwoman who spent 53 years in South India without furlough, earning the nickname “Amma” or “Mother” from the underprivileged children she regarded as God’s jewels.
Book cost: $10.00
Children’s & Youth Sunday School
Classes meet September through May.
Preschool with Geraldine Goodlow in Rm 13
Answers in Genesis ABC Bible Survey
1st & 2nd Grade with Karen Dubois & Bev Dawson in Rm 12
Answers in Genesis ABC Bible Survey
3rd & 4th Grade with Richard Dubois & Toby Ruth in Rm. 6
Answers in Genesis ABC Bible Survey
5th & 6th Grade Girls with Pat Lundeen in Rm. 5
Exploring God’s Word with a focus on 1 Peter, Psalm 1, and Jonah
7th – 9th Graders with Phil Leckrone and Tim & Lori Ruth in Rm 3
New Testament survey
10- 12th Graders with Eric & Laurie Bjorkfelt in Rm 1
New Testament survey